
Hi, I’m Sierra! I grew up in a small town in Seacoast, New Hampshire where I still live today. Close to beautiful beaches and only two hours from the NH white mountains, always an opportunity to go on an adventure. My love for travel was sparked when my parents allowed me to plan a family vacation when I was 18 years old. Since then I’ve been hooked, any opportunity I get to explore a new destination, I’m off!

I started The Ocean Drifter to document and share my travels with family and friends. For years, I’ve helped others plan trips like they have seen me go on via social media posts. I used to text friends ridiculously long texts trying to tell them everything about a destination before they go. After doing this about a dozen times I decided it was time to create a travel blog. Photography and travel planning are both passions of mine so I’ve had a lot of fun with this so far.

My blog posts are very detailed guides to beautiful destinations all over the world. I share with you everything I learn and experience about a specific area. You will not find any posts on inclusive hotels, cruise ships or tourist traps, I’m not interested in any of that. I really enjoy finding the local’s favorite spots, secret hidden gems, stunning beaches, secluded camp sites, and breathtaking mountains. My guides are full of information on where to stay, eat, drink, adventure, tips and tricks you want to know before you go and my overall opinion of the destination. All of my posts have valuable information that will help make your trip that much better- I hope we can connect and you follow along on my travels!

Feel free to send me an email at sierra@theoceandrifter.com if you have any feedback or inquiries. I am always eager to hear from you!