
How to Hike The Franconia Ridge Trail New Hampshire

The Franconia Ridge Trail consists of three peaks: Little Haystack, Lincoln, and Lafayette. Two of which, Lincoln and Lafayette, are on the NH 48 4000-footer list. The Franconia Ridge Trail is one of the most scenic hikes in all of the NH White Mountains! On a clear day, you will have beautiful views of Mt. Washington and the Presidential Range!

My boyfriend Alby and I hiked The Franconia Ridge Trail in late July and had the BEST time!! The views along the ridge are truly amazing! It was one of the most rewarding hikes we’ve done in NH (and we’re working on doing all of the NH48!). We loved this hike and want to make sure you do too! Here is everything you need to know about hiking the Franconia Ridge Trail!

How to Hike The Franconia Ridge Trail New Hampshire: Little Haystack, Lincoln, Lafayette

Franconia Ridge Trail

Franconia Ridge Trail Hike Stats

  • Distance: 8.6 miles 
  • Elevation gain: 3,809 feet 
  • Route type: Loop
  • Difficulty level: Hard 
  • Scenic view: 360 scenic views! Absolutely beautiful 
  • Fun + safe mountain for beginners?: no, this is a tough hike and there are some scrambles both going up and down that you wouldn’t want to do as a beginner. 
  • Conditions: rocky, a little muddy in some places, rock climbing, fun

Franconia Ridge Trail


Old Bridle Path Trailhead is where you want to park for the Franconia Ridge Trail! Arrive early to secure your parking spot. I think there are about 100 parking spots in this lot. We arrived at 6:30 on a Saturday morning, and the lot was half full.

If you arrive and the lot is full, don’t worry! You can drive a little further down the road, park at Cannon Mountain, and take the shuttle over to the trailhead.

The Falling Waters Trail

The Franconia Ridge Trail is a loop-style hike. I highly recommend hiking the loop counterclockwise—we were both very happy we went this way.

If you decide to go counterclockwise, you will start the hike heading up Falling Waters Trail. The beginning of the hike is beautiful! You can hear and see the waterfalls for the first part of the hike. The hike has a nice gradual incline and is pretty good until you hit the last stretch up to Little Haystack. This part will be the toughest section of the entire day. Thankfully, it’s not too long, and there is plenty of room along the trail for breaks. The hike up is 3.2 miles long.

Franconia Ridge Trail

The Ridge

The views!! Stunning in all directions! You will arrive at the summit of Little Haystack first and be rewarded with the most beautiful views. Rest your legs and catch your breath on the summit of Little Haystack, then start your trek over to Mt. Lincoln.

You will be able to see Mt. Lincoln off in the distance. Now that you are up on the ridge, this part of your hike will be out in the open. I added my windbreaker here because I was pretty sweaty from the hike up and the winds were strong—I didn’t want to get cold!

Once you arrive at the summit of Lincoln, take in the views! We took another quick break here, soaked in the 360-degree views, then kept on going to Lafayette off in the distance.

Franconia Ridge Trail

The Greenleaf Hut

If you do the hike counterclockwise, on your descent down from Lafayette, you will see a building just a little way down—this is the AMC Greenleaf Hut!

The hut offers restrooms, water, coffee, snacks for purchase, maps, lodging (with a reservation), shelter, and a lot of really friendly hikers! We stopped in to rest our legs and have a snack. Definitely check it out on your way down; you can’t help but pass by it!

The hike down

From the Greenleaf Hut, you have 2.9 miles to hike to get back to the parking lot, and you take the Old Bridle Path.

The Old Bridle Path is rocky, and your legs will get tired! However, you will be rewarded with some beautiful views of the ridge you summited, which is really cool to see! Take your time going down, as the rocky terrain can be challenging, especially on tired legs. The descent can be a bit tough, but you will notice they are working on making the path more hiker-friendly. Towards the bottom, instead of small rock scrambles, they’ve created steps and it’s really nice!

Franconia Ridge Trail

Tips about hiking the Franconia Ridge Trail

  • Start Early: Arrive early to secure parking and avoid the midday crowds. Starting early also means you’ll have more daylight for your hike!
  • Check the Weather: The weather can change rapidly in the White Mountains. Check the forecast before you go and be prepared for varying conditions. You don’t want to be up there in bad weather.
  • Bring the Essentials: Pack plenty of water, snacks, a map, a first aid kit, and layers of clothing. The temperature can vary significantly from the base to the ridge.
  • Wear Proper Footwear: Good hiking boots with ankle support are crucial, as the terrain can be rugged and steep in places.
  • Bring Layers: The weather on the ridge can be windy and cooler than at the trailhead. Bring layers!! Even if you don’t think you’ll need them.
  • Stay Hydrated and Fueled: Bring enough water and high-energy snacks to keep you going throughout the hike. Hydration is key, especially on hot days.
  • Follow the Trail Markers: The trail is well-marked, but it’s essential to stay on the designated path to protect the environment and for your safety. Track your hike with AllTrails!
  • Leave No Trace: Pack out all trash and respect the natural environment. Leave the trail as you found it for others to enjoy.
  • Bring a Headlamp: If there’s any chance you’ll be out after dark, carry a headlamp or flashlight with extra batteries.
  • Use Trekking Poles: Trekking poles can help with balance and reduce the impact on your knees during steep descents. We didn’t use them on this hike but saw a lot of people who did!
  • Bring a change of shoes: Don’t forget to bring a pair of sandals or crocs to change into after the hike! Believe me you are going to want those boots off ASAP when you finish up! We just leave our flip flops in the car and change into them as soon as we get back.

Franconia Ridge Trail

How long does it take to hike The Franconia Ridge Trail?

On average, it takes about seven hours to hike the Franconia Ridge Trail.

It took us just about seven hours, including stops for photos, water breaks, a rest at each peak, and a rest at the Greenleaf Hut. Don’t worry about other people who pass by you while you are hiking. You will most likely see many trail runners on this hike. Don’t stress about finishing in seven hours. Take your time, enjoy the hike, and prioritize your safety!

Franconia Ridge Trail

Know before you hike the Franconia Ridge Trail

If you are not a confident hiker with at least some experience, this hike isn’t for you. The Franconia Ridge Trail is one of the best hikes in New Hampshire and offers stunning views, but it is also quite challenging. You need to commit to a full day for this hike, and know your body and mind are ready!

You’ll be rewarded with incredible views and a sense of accomplishment, but it’s important to understand that this is not a quick or easy hike that just anyone can do. Plan ahead, bring enough food and water, and be prepared for varying weather conditions. It’s also a good idea to let someone know your hiking plans and estimated return time for safety reasons. Remember to check trail conditions and any advisories before heading out.

Where to camp near the Franconia Ridge Trail?

  • Maple Haven Campground: 15 minutes drive to the trailhead, clean campground, within walking distance of restaurants bars in North Woodstock, this is where we stayed before hiking the Franconia Ridge Trail and really liked it!
  • Lincoln/Woodstock KOA: 23 minute drive to the trailhead, clean campground, we’ve stayed here in the past and loved it!
  • Lafayette Place Campground: 4 minute walk to the trailhead, the BEST location to be at for a campground if you want to hike the Franconia Ridge Trail. We’ve never stayed here (fully booked when we tried) but it’s literally just across the street from the trailhead. Book in advance this campground fills up fast because of its prime location!

Maple Haven Campground

Have fun hiking the Franconia Ridge Trail!

Hiking the Franconia Ridge Trail is an unforgettable adventure! Dedicate a full day to this hike, take your time, and enjoy every moment. Be prepared by packing plenty of snacks, water, a first aid kit, and lots of layers to handle the changing weather conditions. Don’t forget to capture the stunning views with lots of pictures!

If you want to stop somewhere after this hike for lunch and drinks check out One Love Brewery in Lincoln or Woodstock Inn Brewery in North Woodstock. Both are close to the trailhead and have great food/drink!

Follow along on Instagram to see more hiking posts and reels! Check out this Reel on hiking the Franconia Ridge Trail!

Be safe and have fun! Happy trails 🥾😊

Hello there! It's wonderful to have you here. I'm Sierra, a NH native with a love for travel and adventure. I have a constant desire to explore beautiful places around the world and go on awesome adventures! I seek to inspire others to travel to see all the beauty and culture the world has to offer! 🌞⛰️🌼🫶🏼🦋🌲📸🥾💛

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